
Merry Christmas, Endless Joy

In the rainy afternoon of Dec. 24, 2016, a Christmas party was held in the meeting room on the 9th floor in St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. With Christmas approaching, the party aimed to send joy and blessings to patients, wishing all patients’ victory in the battle against cancer and a happy life, meanwhile to provide a platform of anticancer experience sharing for patients and their families.

St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou enhanced the level of medical technology by introducing cutting-edge minimally invasive treatment for cancer. Combining treatment with humanistic care, it strived to be a medical institution that benefits more patients with comfortable environment and guaranteed treatment. In 2016, thousands of patients have taken treatment here and have achieved good efficacy.

Accompanying with the shining and colorful lights and melodious singing, patients and their families successively entered the room, wearing Christmas headwear. Although being in a foreign country, well-decorated room and delicate food made them to feel like at home. After praying, Christine, the daughter of an Indonesian patient shared her mother’s anticancer experience. She encouraged other patients with words, “Don’t be afraid. Let’s fight against cancer together. God loves all of us here.” She also expressed her best wishes, “May everybody here harvest endless joy today”.

As a start, Christine perfectly performed a song I’m here to express her gratitude to medical stuff and show her love and support to other patients. In the following parts, we also enjoyed exotic shows performed by other patients. Everyone was involved in the performance, dancing and singing with joy. Games are essential in a party. While playing games such as “keep love in the circle”, “Who eat faster” and “pick up a ping-pong ball with chopsticks”, patients interacted with each other and thus enhanced mutual communication and connection. During the awarding part, Santa Claus sent “his” best regards and wishes to patients along with prizes in “his” hands. The son of Hang Thi Cuc, People’s artist of Vietname, sang the song Friend and perfectly put an end to this party. Over 100 patients and staff were closely-connected that afternoon.  

In the end, cherry smiles on the photos spoke for mutual support among patients and deep relationship between the patients and medical stuff. We are family in St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou and we constantly honor the service philosophy “patient-centered.” In the future, St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou will devote to build a system with higher-quality and humanistic service and also provide superior medical service for patients.


Magic show “Christmas tree”

Enjoying delicious food

During performing

Singing and dancing together

“keep love in the circle”

contestants won beautiful gifts.

“We’re family” 


Focus on Cancer Academic Research and Benefits Cancer Patients

Opening ceremony of research project approved by Guangzhou Health and Family Planning Commission was held in St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou.

On Feb. 26, 2016, applied by St. Stamford Modern Cancer HospitalGuangzhou, the research project comparing efficacy and safety between treatments of combining nanoknife with gemcitabine and radiotherapy with gemcitabine for local pancreatic cancer, was approved by Guangzhou Health and Family Planning Commission. In the afternoon of Dec. 5 St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou gave the opening report of the research project with the participation and guidance of Prof. Xu Meng, chief physician and doctoral supervisor of the first clinical medicine college of Jinan University and organizer of biological treatment committee of Guangdong anticancer association, and presence of Tu Xiaoming, vice president of Singapore St.Stamford International Medical Group, and Wang Huaizhong, dean of St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, together with other leaders and research groups.
Members of the research project initiation consultation committee

In the ceremony, Huang Deliang, oncology inpatient department director of St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, gave the theme report to the project comparing efficacy and safety between treatments of combining nanoknife with gemcitabine and radiotherapy with gemcitabine. The subject of the research is to compare the local ablation efficacy of nanoknife, when combined with current well-acknowledged effective treatment of gemcitabine, with combination of gemcitabine with other therapies, and assess their safety to serve better clinical application. This project is, verified by Guangzhou intelligence institute, an initiative research project at home and abroad and also a breakthrough in pancreatic cancer treatment.
Huang Deliang, executor of the research project

Then the research group held a heated discussion over main content and feasibility of the research, focusing on the expected effect of combining gemcitabine with nanoknife technology at its 100% efficacy in treating pancreatic cancer. Associated director of oncology department and doctoral supervisor, Prof. Wang Xin, pointed out, as long as pancreatic cancer patients treated by the joint treatment of nanoknife and gemcitabine survive longer than the control group, the research is testified successful, so just keep calm during the process. Meanwhile, the research group also conducted analysis and discussion on every detail of the research process to guarantee the final success.

On the scene of the opening ceremony of the research project
In the end, Prof. Xu Meng gave his comments and instruction on the research project, which according to him is research on precision medicine and ranks in advanced research fields. He stressed study index detailing and safety during the research, expecting a formation of the hospital’s own clinical treatment guidelines based on 30 cases of joint treatment of nanoknife and gemcitabine. He hoped the research group can steadily conducts this project, with high-end technology of nanoknife as a platform and pancreatic cancer treatment as a start, to establish a characteristic treatment of high-end nanoknife technology combined with other therapies. He believed, with pancreatic cancer as the first target, it will cover more cancers and benefit more cancer patients.

Tu Xiaoming, Vice president of Singapore St.Stamford International Medical Group,

During the opening report, Tu Xiaoming, Vice president of Singapore St.Stamford International Medical Group, said it’s not easy to get the government's approval for a research project, but St.Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou has successfully passed two research project initiations. Besides the mentioned project, the other one was research on the feasibility of cryotherapy in triple-negative breast cancer recurrence and metastasis, applied by director Dai Wenyan. These indicated the hospital’s new level in technical innovation and overall improvement on academic and research ability. The opening report aroused extensive social attention.

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Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou Gave Me a Second Life

MIMIE said, “Defeating cancer is based on the belief in the doctor and hospital.”

MIMIE ABUTIN, from the Philippines, enjoyed her simple, peaceful and happy life before 52 years old. With a good husband who loved her deeply, filial children, and lovely grandchildren, she was proud of her warm and happy family. Every day, she was busy in taking care of her elderly mother and young grandchildren, and doing all the daily chores. She was quite content with all of these.

In February, 2015, MIMIE occasionally found a 2cm lump with size of 2cm in her right breast and was diagnosed with breast cancer by the local doctor. On hearing this news, she was depressed, desperate and scared. After encouraged and soothed by her family, she became strong and accepted the fact bravely.

The local doctor advised her to take mastectomy and chemotherapy. However, considering the pain of chemotherapy, MIMIE refused it. And then, the doctor recommended her Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou because of its minimally invasive therapy which has advantages of smaller trauma, less pain etc. Meanwhile, her neighbor who got the same cancer and had received treatment in Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou with good therapeutic effect also recommended her the hospital. So, she decided to go to Guangzhou for treatment.

On March 17, 2015, MIMIE and her husband came to Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou for the first time. After a series of checks, MIMIE was told that the tumor had grown to 3cm. Professional MDT (Multidisciplinary Team) made a plan of biological immunotherapy and interventional therapy. But, MIMIE felt worried and was afraid of treatment failure. With doctor’s detailed explanation and encouragement, MIMIE finally got the courage to take the treatment. After a session of biological immunotherapy and two sessions of interventional therapies, the tumor shrank to 1.03cm quickly. Knowing that, MIMIE became confident about the next treatment.

In order to completely clear the tumor and avoid recurrence and metastasis, the doctor advised her to take excision surgery. MIMIE and her family agreed. What’s more, the tumor and the related tissues were successfully eliminated after the surgery. And then she took another three sessions of interventional therapy. MIMIE said, “During the process of interventional therapy, I was nervous, but I became relaxed finding that it’s not so painful. After the therapy, there were no side effects. I felt comfortable. It was really minimally invasive!”  

MIMIE’s husband told us that it was by then her fourth time to come to the hospital. And the test result showed that the tumor had been completely eliminated and her wife was in a stable condition. Their families were glad and felt grateful for this. MIMIE said, “I feel comfortable in Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. The doctors, nurses, translators are so nice here.” Her husband said, “Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou makes us feel like at home. The doctors here response quickly and pay high attention to my wife’s medical condition. They never waste time and have given the best and the most suitable treatment to my wife. During the treatment, they always discuss about the condition with us. We are so grateful for them.” 

MIMIE and her husband spoke highly of the technology of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. Her husband said, “The technology here is advanced. In Philippines, the hospital may have the same procedures like this, but Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou is more advanced and high-tech.”

In the end of the interview, MIMIE and her husband shared their feelings of this anticancer experience. Her husband said that cancer happened unexpectedly. Although it greatly struck them, they did not give up. The most they got was family unity. All the families and friends got together to support and encourage MIMIE, which touched them the most. And he expressed that he would seize their second chance that was given by Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou to give MIMIE a better life. Additionally, MIMIE shared her wished that, she could go home immediately and live a simple and happy life with her beloved families as before. And we all gave her our best wishes.

         Photo of MIMIE, her husband and the doctor



Breast cancer patient Violet Ramakuela is 47 years old from South Africa. In March, 2016, she was admitted to St. Stamford Modern Cancer HospitalGuangzhou. Through comprehensive treatment, her condition has turned better and her breast tumor has disappeared. Violet is so thankful to St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou and speaks highly of the technologies.    

In order to encourage more cancer patients to fight against cancer positively, she shared and wrote down her own anticancer experience. The following is her story.


I started by seeing the changing of the size of my breast during 2015 March. What I did I Google from Internet in South Arica. I get a doctor and went there for assistance. When I got there the doctor said lets observe this breast for 6 months. Come after 6 months to check-up, I was not given any treatment. I went home. My breast was growing bigger and bigger very fast. I started to fill something inside my breast by September.

I fly to China to the hospital where they checked me and take even the specimen they said I’ll get results after 2 weeks. When results come, they said I have cancer. I have to start the treatment. I tell them I’m ready for treatment. They said no we don’t have bed. We will check you again after a month. In November, I fly and go to the same hospital again. I paid the money but I never get help. They said no bed. I decided to google and find other hospital in China.

I went there in December, they checked me, they send me to take my specimen from the first hospital. I go up and down and collected everything for them. After they see my results, they said we cannot admit you because you are alone and we don’t have bed. By that time my breast was now slowing some of the whitish liquid out. The breast was no longer soft. It was hard. The tumor was out now, you can see it by that time. I fly back to South Africa hopelessly.

When I was back home, my breast become red were the tumor is. It started to have some small whole liquids were coming out of those holes. Then I was filling lot of pains. There were pains during the night only, during the day I was moving up and down freely without any pain. It only attacks me during the night.

On February 2016, one day I was sleeping, I just had blood flowing out of my breast so heavily. It was out of my breast so heavily. It was so heavily. It was so heavily on such a way that I can lose all the blood and colupse. Then is when I rush to the hospital. They give me some drip and dress my wound so heavily.

After 10 days, I fly to China again after I get into internet. I google the hospital “New Modern Hospital” I called them they said I must come to 3rd floor. Really I came and get Dr. Zhang. It was during March. They examined me on the 2nd of March. They send me to take my results in those after hospital. The joined together those results with their results. They admitted me immediately. They gave me chemotherapy after every 2 weeks I have to fly back to China for my medication. Then all pains stops. I never had any pain since that time.
Even now I’m still under treatments. My tumor was 8*2 when I started my treatments here. Doctor recommended the surgery for me, which they did. I never had any pain even after the surgery. Now I’m undergoing the radiotherapy which will be done 25 times to my body. Even now, I never experience any challenge.
That’s all about my story.

Thank you!


Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou

Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou is the largest international tumor treatment basement in the south of China, a member of Chinese Anti-cancer Association and Chinese co-organization of World Cancer Committee (WCC). Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou sticks to “Best Therapy, Least Pain, Best efficacy” to treat cancer and keeps on exploring latest technology in cancer treatment domain and positively implements normalization & individualization, humanity & ration to cancer treatment. Also, it promotes an idea that cancer treatment combines minimally invasive therapy with multidiscipline comprehensive therapy. At present, minimally invasive therapy at Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou has gradually become mature and plays a leading role in both Asia and the world.

Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou builds up a unique minimally invasive targeted therapy, combination of TCM and Western medicine, which has gained recognition and trust of millions of patients. The advantages of minimally invasive targeted therapy, combination of TCM and western medicine are small wounds, fast recovery, precisely targeted-treatment. It avoids the shortcomings of traditional radiotherapy and chemotherapy and improves the life quality of patients and has long-term therapeutic efficacy.

The Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou is composed of outstanding cancer experts who share their expertise through group consultations. This team approach to treatment ensures that every patient benefits from a comprehensive effective therapeutic regimen designed not by a single physician but rather by the finest doctors in their field.

In October 2014, Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou has been accredited by JCI (Joint Commission International) of the 5th version, which assesses and evaluates with the strict standards in the world and stands for the highest level of accreditation for medical service and hospital management. This means Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou has become one of the most world-advanced medical institutes, whose medical safety, quality and services have met the highest international standards.


Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou officially launched its "Breast Cancer Center"

In April 2016, Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou established a "breast cancer center" for breast cancer treatment, bringing together a multidisciplinary team of experts, and introducing advanced treatment techniques, and continuing breast cancer research to further enhance the success rate, or even completely cure in early-stage breast cancer.

Treatment of early-stage breast cancer has better prognosis

Breast cancer is one of the solid tumors that is considered easiest to treat, as long as it was detected and treated early. The 5-year cure rate of Breast Cancer Stage I is 90% to 95%, while it is 70% to 80% for Breast Cancer Stage II, 50% to 60% for Stage III and below 10% for Stage IV. As seen from the data, early treatment of breast cancer is very effective, and the hazards of breast cancer in the latter stage are very great. However, since the symptoms of breast cancer in the early stage is not obvious, many patients tend to ignore them and do not undergo breast cancer screening, and even if they were diagnosed, they also refused treatment, and ultimately wait for it to turn into late stage where they can feel the pain and in the brink of death that they will decide to seek for treatment. Director of the "Breast Cancer Center," Dai Wenyan mentioned that breast cancer awareness in very important thus the Breast Cancer Center was establish complete with a breast cancer screening system, Multi-disciplinary team of doctors for consultation, and focusing on early breast cancer detection, diagnosis and treatment, utilizing advance technologies to minimize pain and cost and ultimately to achieve the purpose of early breast cancer cure.

A variety of advanced technology, the perfect defense against breast cancer

For the treatment of advanced breast cancer, the Breast Cancer Center also adheres to the same principle of minimum pain and the least cost. According to Director Dai, the Breast Cancer Center mainly utilizes minimally invasive treatment with breast reconstruction as the technical main treatment. The minimally invasive techniques provide another option besides the traditional "surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy," providing less trauma, less toxic side effects, and quicker recovery. Breast reconstruction can be used for patients who have undergone radical mastectomy. This can help patients maintain their ideal body image and boost their confidence. These technologies are designed to meet the patients wish to preserve their breast. "In practicing medicine for many years, I have seen many lost their lives because they do not want to lose their breast. Today, as the director of the Breast Cancer Center, I can tell breast cancer patients, do not deny yourself treatment because of you will lose your breast, here at Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, we will provide you the most appropriate treatment. You will not lose your beauty because of the treatment rather you will be stronger and more confident! "Director Dai said emotionally.

The establishment of the Breast Cancer Center of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou will open a whole new mode of breast disease treatment system, consisting of professional Multi-disciplinary team of experts, individualized treatment, which serves as a big leap in the standard of breast cancer treatment, protecting the female breast and the beauty of women.

Breast self-examination method


Every Stitch Speaks for Deep Doctor-Patient Relationship

NGO THI THU HUONG and her sister with the medical staff

In the morning of Nov 28th, medical staff at ward 5 in St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou received handmade gift paintings made from stitches from a Vietnamese colon cancer patient, NGO THI THU HUONG. Together with her sister, they made these paintings to express their gratitude to the director of oncology department, Dr. Peng Xiaochi, head of ward 5 Dr. Ma Xiaoying, attending physician Dr. Wang Zenghai and Vietnamese interpreter Su Yongchao.

Why Would You Choose Such Handicrafts as Gift?
According to these siblings, all materials were brought from Vietnam. It takes 3 days the most to finish such masterpiece. Every step was done with extreme care, patience and focus. Truly a work of art and traditionally done by the family to give as a token of appreciation.

NGO THI THU HUONG’s sister personally gave the handmade paintings and clothes to Director Peng and for his child. While taking the gifts Director Peng said, “I will send you a picture of my child wearing the hat and clothes. I am deeply touched by your appreciation of St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. Thank you!”

Every Painting Has Its Special Meaning
These paintings had their own respective and special meanings. According NGO THI THU HUONG’s sister, “Director Peng is gentle and nice, just like the swans and so I am painting two swans and wish him and his wife all the happiness.” “Director Ma is as beautiful as a rose. I added a guitar on the right corner to symbolize a beautiful music altogether.” All their paintings expresses everyone fulfillment in life and happiness.
Despite the cold weather in Guangzhou, nothing can stop NGO THI THU HUON making a hat for the baby of one of our Vietnamese interpreters. She said with pleasure, “all medical staffs are nice. They couldn’t always accompany their children due to work, so I hope I can do something for them.”

 “As long as you need help, we’ll try our best to back you up”

In July 2015, due to recurrence of colon cancer after surgery, NGO THI THU HUON arrived at St. Stamford Modern Cancer HospitalGuangzhou. This was her 10th time then. According to the head of ward, Ma Xiaoying, the patient often had been in relapse. After comprehensive treatment in our hospital, she got a stable condition and a good mental state. Within her first year, NGO THI THU HUON and her sister considered the hospital as their home and treated the medical staff as their families. “Every time they came back, they brought some Vietnamese handicrafts as gifts for directors and doctors at the ward.” Vietnamese interpreter Guan Baijiang when asked about their views on the development of St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, the sisters said, “I trust the doctors and the innovative technologies here. As long as you need help in Vietnam, we’ll try our best to back you up.”