
Every Stitch Speaks for Deep Doctor-Patient Relationship

NGO THI THU HUONG and her sister with the medical staff

In the morning of Nov 28th, medical staff at ward 5 in St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou received handmade gift paintings made from stitches from a Vietnamese colon cancer patient, NGO THI THU HUONG. Together with her sister, they made these paintings to express their gratitude to the director of oncology department, Dr. Peng Xiaochi, head of ward 5 Dr. Ma Xiaoying, attending physician Dr. Wang Zenghai and Vietnamese interpreter Su Yongchao.

Why Would You Choose Such Handicrafts as Gift?
According to these siblings, all materials were brought from Vietnam. It takes 3 days the most to finish such masterpiece. Every step was done with extreme care, patience and focus. Truly a work of art and traditionally done by the family to give as a token of appreciation.

NGO THI THU HUONG’s sister personally gave the handmade paintings and clothes to Director Peng and for his child. While taking the gifts Director Peng said, “I will send you a picture of my child wearing the hat and clothes. I am deeply touched by your appreciation of St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. Thank you!”

Every Painting Has Its Special Meaning
These paintings had their own respective and special meanings. According NGO THI THU HUONG’s sister, “Director Peng is gentle and nice, just like the swans and so I am painting two swans and wish him and his wife all the happiness.” “Director Ma is as beautiful as a rose. I added a guitar on the right corner to symbolize a beautiful music altogether.” All their paintings expresses everyone fulfillment in life and happiness.
Despite the cold weather in Guangzhou, nothing can stop NGO THI THU HUON making a hat for the baby of one of our Vietnamese interpreters. She said with pleasure, “all medical staffs are nice. They couldn’t always accompany their children due to work, so I hope I can do something for them.”

 “As long as you need help, we’ll try our best to back you up”

In July 2015, due to recurrence of colon cancer after surgery, NGO THI THU HUON arrived at St. Stamford Modern Cancer HospitalGuangzhou. This was her 10th time then. According to the head of ward, Ma Xiaoying, the patient often had been in relapse. After comprehensive treatment in our hospital, she got a stable condition and a good mental state. Within her first year, NGO THI THU HUON and her sister considered the hospital as their home and treated the medical staff as their families. “Every time they came back, they brought some Vietnamese handicrafts as gifts for directors and doctors at the ward.” Vietnamese interpreter Guan Baijiang when asked about their views on the development of St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, the sisters said, “I trust the doctors and the innovative technologies here. As long as you need help in Vietnam, we’ll try our best to back you up.”     

