

Breast cancer patient Violet Ramakuela is 47 years old from South Africa. In March, 2016, she was admitted to St. Stamford Modern Cancer HospitalGuangzhou. Through comprehensive treatment, her condition has turned better and her breast tumor has disappeared. Violet is so thankful to St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou and speaks highly of the technologies.    

In order to encourage more cancer patients to fight against cancer positively, she shared and wrote down her own anticancer experience. The following is her story.


I started by seeing the changing of the size of my breast during 2015 March. What I did I Google from Internet in South Arica. I get a doctor and went there for assistance. When I got there the doctor said lets observe this breast for 6 months. Come after 6 months to check-up, I was not given any treatment. I went home. My breast was growing bigger and bigger very fast. I started to fill something inside my breast by September.

I fly to China to the hospital where they checked me and take even the specimen they said I’ll get results after 2 weeks. When results come, they said I have cancer. I have to start the treatment. I tell them I’m ready for treatment. They said no we don’t have bed. We will check you again after a month. In November, I fly and go to the same hospital again. I paid the money but I never get help. They said no bed. I decided to google and find other hospital in China.

I went there in December, they checked me, they send me to take my specimen from the first hospital. I go up and down and collected everything for them. After they see my results, they said we cannot admit you because you are alone and we don’t have bed. By that time my breast was now slowing some of the whitish liquid out. The breast was no longer soft. It was hard. The tumor was out now, you can see it by that time. I fly back to South Africa hopelessly.

When I was back home, my breast become red were the tumor is. It started to have some small whole liquids were coming out of those holes. Then I was filling lot of pains. There were pains during the night only, during the day I was moving up and down freely without any pain. It only attacks me during the night.

On February 2016, one day I was sleeping, I just had blood flowing out of my breast so heavily. It was out of my breast so heavily. It was so heavily. It was so heavily on such a way that I can lose all the blood and colupse. Then is when I rush to the hospital. They give me some drip and dress my wound so heavily.

After 10 days, I fly to China again after I get into internet. I google the hospital “New Modern Hospital” I called them they said I must come to 3rd floor. Really I came and get Dr. Zhang. It was during March. They examined me on the 2nd of March. They send me to take my results in those after hospital. The joined together those results with their results. They admitted me immediately. They gave me chemotherapy after every 2 weeks I have to fly back to China for my medication. Then all pains stops. I never had any pain since that time.
Even now I’m still under treatments. My tumor was 8*2 when I started my treatments here. Doctor recommended the surgery for me, which they did. I never had any pain even after the surgery. Now I’m undergoing the radiotherapy which will be done 25 times to my body. Even now, I never experience any challenge.
That’s all about my story.

Thank you!

