
Merry Christmas, Endless Joy

In the rainy afternoon of Dec. 24, 2016, a Christmas party was held in the meeting room on the 9th floor in St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. With Christmas approaching, the party aimed to send joy and blessings to patients, wishing all patients’ victory in the battle against cancer and a happy life, meanwhile to provide a platform of anticancer experience sharing for patients and their families.

St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou enhanced the level of medical technology by introducing cutting-edge minimally invasive treatment for cancer. Combining treatment with humanistic care, it strived to be a medical institution that benefits more patients with comfortable environment and guaranteed treatment. In 2016, thousands of patients have taken treatment here and have achieved good efficacy.

Accompanying with the shining and colorful lights and melodious singing, patients and their families successively entered the room, wearing Christmas headwear. Although being in a foreign country, well-decorated room and delicate food made them to feel like at home. After praying, Christine, the daughter of an Indonesian patient shared her mother’s anticancer experience. She encouraged other patients with words, “Don’t be afraid. Let’s fight against cancer together. God loves all of us here.” She also expressed her best wishes, “May everybody here harvest endless joy today”.

As a start, Christine perfectly performed a song I’m here to express her gratitude to medical stuff and show her love and support to other patients. In the following parts, we also enjoyed exotic shows performed by other patients. Everyone was involved in the performance, dancing and singing with joy. Games are essential in a party. While playing games such as “keep love in the circle”, “Who eat faster” and “pick up a ping-pong ball with chopsticks”, patients interacted with each other and thus enhanced mutual communication and connection. During the awarding part, Santa Claus sent “his” best regards and wishes to patients along with prizes in “his” hands. The son of Hang Thi Cuc, People’s artist of Vietname, sang the song Friend and perfectly put an end to this party. Over 100 patients and staff were closely-connected that afternoon.  

In the end, cherry smiles on the photos spoke for mutual support among patients and deep relationship between the patients and medical stuff. We are family in St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou and we constantly honor the service philosophy “patient-centered.” In the future, St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou will devote to build a system with higher-quality and humanistic service and also provide superior medical service for patients.


Magic show “Christmas tree”

Enjoying delicious food

During performing

Singing and dancing together

“keep love in the circle”

contestants won beautiful gifts.

“We’re family” 

